Hear What Our Accident and
Personal Injury Clients Have to Say
Looking for personal injury and accident lawyer reviews? With more than 50 years of combined experience, our injury attorneys and dedicated injury law firm staff represent injured accident victims and currently serve clients in many states across the nation. Super Woman Super Lawyer accepts all types of accident cases, including those that result in injuries from workplace incidents and any type of vehicular collision.
Personal Injury Attorney Reviews:

“I didn’t think I needed an attorney at first, but I was so glad I ended up calling. I’m so happy, the settlement has really helped me and my kids.”
– Shelly, Car Accident Victim
“At first, the guy who was driving the truck apologized, and said that it was his fault for the accident, but when his insurance got involved they denied my claim. I knew I needed an attorney. I found Maryam online and called her office. Right from the start, I felt like they could help me out.”
– Anonymous, Bike Accident Victim
“Within a day [of signing up] the team at Maryam Parman’s office got in touch with my insurance company and were handling all the paperwork that goes along with the claims. I didn’t really understand the whole process with the insurance company, so it was super helpful that I didn’t have to deal with them […] When it was all said and done, I ended up with a $100,000 settlement.”
– Rick, Motorcycle Accident Victim
“I was hit by a car when I was walking home from work one day […] I filed a claim with my insurance company so they could help me, but I ended up being placed at fault for the accident […] When Maryam came into the picture, the other guy’s insurance ended up paying me $100,000 for my case.”
– Tiffany, Pedestrian Accident Victim
“I called Maryam Parman’s office because I’d heard her on the radio. After the call, I felt comfortable with what they’d told me about the case and how to handle it. They were able to get me in contact with doctors for my back and neck pain right away. We finally sent the demand to the insurance company – instead of giving me the $50,000 policy limit, Maryam was able to get me $100,000.”
– Natalie, Auto Accident Victim
“The help and support I got from Miriam and her office helped my family get through the most difficult time of our lives. A settlement could never make up for losing my son, but I’m so thankful for the support and attention Maryam Parman and her team showed me.”
– Anonymous, Motorcycle Accident Victim
“Mi amiga me dijo que tenía que agarrar la segunda opinión y lo hice. Cuando me agarre esta segunda opinión pude agarrar una compensación mucho más grande de lo que me imaginaba y por eso yo recomiendo que agarres una segunda opinión y que la llames a Maryam Parman.”
– Jessie, Víctima de Accidente de Motocicleta
“Gracias a ella y a su equipo recibí 10.5 millones de dólares ellos han cambiado mi vida gracias Maryam.”
– Laura, Víctima de Accidente Automovilístico
“After I got out of the hospital, I found Super Woman Super Lawyer, and thank God I did. They were able to help me out with a new motorcycle, pay my medical bills, and had a little cash extra for myself.”
– Ryan, Motorcycle Accident Victim
“[…] a car ran a stop sign and hit me. The driver was at fault, the police and ambulance came, and I got rushed to the hospital. The whole incident itself was pretty scary and terrifying, but dealing with the insurance companies – that was a nightmare. Luckily, my friend referred me to Super Woman Super Lawyer, and I basically let them handle the rest.”
– Stephanie, Bicycle Accident Victim
“I was walking through a crosswalk in downtown LA to get lunch when a car going about 15 miles per hour ran straight into me. […] After I got out of the hospital, I went on Google and found Super Woman Super Lawyer, and called their office right away. The lawyers were very professional and helped me with everything I needed. They helped me with the proper medical treatment throughout my recovery.”
– Amy, Pedestrian Accident Victim