Personal Injury Lawsuit Settlement Amounts and Case Results
Super Woman Super Lawyer Maryam Parman and her team have worked tirelessly over a combined 50 years to secure the best possible settlement for their personal injury clients. Home to the top personal injury attorneys, with offices throughout the nation, Maryam Parman’s legal team provides the region’s best legal talent. Together, Maryam Parman’s legal team has recovered over $2 Billion in settlements in over 63,000 cases.
How Do I Maximize My Personal Injury Settlement?
Each personal injury case is different, with details that determine the maximum settlement possible. Our team has the experience and skill to identify key factors that other attorneys might miss, allowing us to obtain the maximum settlement for our clients. Below, you’ll find examples of past cases taken on by Super Woman Super Lawyer, accompanied by the personal injury lawsuit settlement amounts obtained. Want to see a successful settlement of your own added to the list? We want to hear more about your case – contact us for a free evaluation!
Personal Injury Settlement Amounts Examples:
All Case Results -
Settlement Amount:
$45 Million
Auto v. AutoClient suffered a traumatic brain injury after a vehicle smashed into the back of her vehicle that was parked on the side of a highway. Insurance failed to timely pay the $250,000 policy limit.
Settlement Amount:
$42.75 Million
CommercialUhaul failed to properly maintain and repair vehicle causing traumatic brain injury
Settlement Amount:
$27 Million
Auto v MotorcycleMy team represented an injured motorcyclist and won well over the $50k insurance policy limit.
Jury Verdict Amount:
$19 Million
Auto v. AutoClient’s vehicle was rear-ended on the 10 Freeway, causing severe brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
$7.6 Million
Motorcycle v. TruckThe defendant, a City of Riverside trash truck, made a left turn in front of the client, causing serious orthopedic injuries that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
$7 Million
Auto v. TruckClient’s vehicle rear-ended a truck parked on the side of the road with no reflectors. Client suffered severe brain injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$6 Million
Auto v. AutoMotor vehicle accident case and bad faith insurance company practices – the defendant’s insurance carrier failed to timely offer the policy limits.
Settlement Amount:
$6 Million
Auto v. BusThree people were severely injured in a bus accident.
Settlement Amount:
$4.75 Million
Public Entity ClaimCase against State of California for dangerous public condition.
Settlement Amount:
$4.25 Million
Auto v. MotorcycleClient was struck by a taxi that made a left turn in front of client’s motorcycle and caused fatal injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$3.3 Million
Product Liability/Auto RolloverClient’s vehicle rolled over due to a faulty tire and design of the car. Client suffered brain Injury. (Confidential Settlement)
Settlement Amount:
$3.25 Million
Auto v. PedestrianPedestrian was struck in a crosswalk on New Year’s Eve by a ride share driver, and suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
$2.52 Million
Auto v. BicycleClient riding a bicycle swerved across the street running into the other parties’ Dodge Durango.
Settlement Amount:
$2 Million
Auto v. TrailerMotor vehicle accident case where the client, a passenger, suffered traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
$1.3 Million
Auto Roll OverFatality case against City of Chino involving dangerous public condition.
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Motorcycle v. MotorcycleMotorcyclist hit another motorcyclist causing hip and back injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Police BrutalityPolice brutality case where client suffered two broken legs.
Settlement Amount:
$1.225 Million
Single Vehicle AccidentFatal accident in which the client lost control and crashed into a guardrail.
Settlement Amount:
$1.225 Million
Auto v. MotorcycleCommercial driver made an illegal lane change and crashed into client’s motorcycle. Client suffered a broken leg that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
$1.225 Million
Auto v. Pedestrian Semi-truck ran through a stop sign and ran over the client whom suffered two broken legs.
Settlement Amount:
$1.225 Million
Wrongful Death / Auto v. Auto (DUI)Client was killed in an auto accident caused by a speeding drunk driver.
Settlement Amount:
$1.225 Million
Auto v. MotorcycleMotor vehicle rear-ended a motorcyclist who sustained hip and head injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$1.225 Million
Auto v. AutoUninsured motorist hit client’s vehicle head on, causing serious neck injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleMotorcycle was struck by a vehicle causing injury to the rider’s lower back.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoDriver ran a stop sign and hit the client who suffered lumbar spine fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian AccidentPedestrian was struck by motor vehicle, and insurance company failed to timely pay $100,000 policy limits.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client experienced lower back and neck pain, pain in both knees, and headaches due to a rear-end collision with a semi-truck.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient sustained multiple fractures after being involved in an Auto v. Motorcycle incident. Client required left knee, tibia and shoulder surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Product LiabilitySuit filed against auto manufacturer related to injuries suffered in an auto accident.
Settlement Amount:
Product LiabilitySingle vehicle rollover roof crush caused fatal injuries to client.
Settlement Amount:
Premises LiabilityClient suffered a hand crush injury involving a forklift.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoDefendant made a left turn in front of the client, which caused shoulder and hand injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Bicycle AccidentClient suffered neck injuries requiring neck surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian AccidentPedestrian was hit in the crosswalk by an undercover police officer.
Settlement Amount:
Single Vehicle AccidentFacial injury suffered in single-vehicle accident.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (DUI)Client experienced stitches on the right thumb, neck pain, and lower back pain due to a T-bone accident in which the other party was under the influence (DUI).
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. TruckCar struck by tractor trailer, which caused facial injuries and post-traumatic stress syndrome to client.
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian Accident (Commercial)Tow truck hit client while in a cross-walk, and client sustained a broken leg and ankle, which both required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Public Entity ClaimCounty of San Bernardino failed to post clear signs warning that a bridge had been washed out, causing clients to crash into the river bank and suffer orthopedic injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Single Vehicle AccidentWhile on the highway, client’s car hydroplaned and crashed into the median. Client sustained nerve damage that required spine surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client was hit by a commercial driver making an illegal U-turn. Client sustained broken arm that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoMotor vehicle accident in which client suffered back injuries as passenger.
Settlement Amount:
Premises LiabilityOvergrown bushes blocked the sidewalk, forcing client to step onto the street where he was hit by a vehicle. Settled with property owner and driver.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleAuto made a left turn in front of the client on a motorcycle, causing orthopedic injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Slip & FallClient suffered head injuries cause by slip-and-fall at a restaurant.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoMotor vehicle accident case where the client suffered injuries to his elbow.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. HomeClient was the passenger of a vehicle that crashed into a house. Client sustained serious back injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced neck and left shoulder pain due to a rear-end car accident.
Settlement Amount:
Bicycle AccidentWhile biking across a crosswalk, client was hit by a motor vehicle. Client suffered broken a spinal fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client sustained serious back injuries after rear–end collision. Client required back surgery. (EPI)
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient sustained broken vertebrae in rear-end collision.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client collided with a commercial driver who was making an illegal U-turn. Client sustained a broken femur and ankle.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced knee pain and a small laceration on the right side of the head after the other party reversed into the client’s vehicle.
Settlement Amount:
School Violence/ BullyingClient sustained a concussion and shoulder injury as a result of school bullying, which school was aware of and failed to prevent.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced neck pain, pain in the left shoulder, and headaches as a result of a rear-end car accident.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient suffered fractured ribs after the other party failed to yield the right of way to the client on the motorcycle.
Settlement Amount:
Premise LiabilityClient sustained serious back injuries after falling through a faulty stair on the second story of a building.
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian Accident (Minor)A 10-year-old client ran into traffic and got hit by a school bus. Client suffered horrendous scaring on her legs that required multiple surgeries.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced headaches, back pain, and foot pain as a result of an accident in which two vehicles were racing and collided with the client from behind.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client sustained serious neck and back injuries as a result of being rear-ended by commercial driver. Client required surgery. (EPI)
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Minor)The client, a minor, was a passenger of the vehicle that was at-fault for the accident and sustained serious injuries that required a spinal fusion.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient sustained a serious knee injury after being struck by a car in a crosswalk, and required knee surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient sustained serious back injuries as a result of a rear–end collision. Client required surgery. (EPI)
Settlement Amount:
Slip & FallElderly client slipped and fell while on a commercial property (Right Aid). Client suffered broken hip that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced bodily pain and injuries to the neck and back due to an accident in which the other party turned left directly into the client.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced lower back pain after two cars veered to avoid hitting each other, causing the client to be rear ended.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient suffered a neck injury after the other party made an unsafe turn in front of the client.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced pain in their right arm and shoulder after being rear ended at a light.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient lost control of his motorcycle after a vehicle clipped his back tire. Client suffered a broken ankle that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was involved in a head-on collision when another vehicle attempted a left turn. Client required surgery on right shoulder, and right and left hips.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient broke his hand after he was rear-ended by another vehicle. Client required hand surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was hit by a vehicle making a left turn while in a crosswalk, and sustained a mild traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was involved in a three-vehicle accident, started by a driver who ran a red light. The 58-year-old client required back surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was hit by a vehicle making a left turn while in a crosswalk, and sustained a mild traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleA vehicle changed lanes and crashed into motorcyclist client on 134 Freeway. Client suffered a broken shoulder and wrist.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended and forced into a stationary vehicle. Client suffered a broken femur.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was involved in a head-on collision when another vehicle attempted a left turn. Client suffered a spinal contusion.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended while stopped in traffic on the highway. Client required multiple steroid injections in her back.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoAnother driver crossed over the median and crashed head on into the client’s vehicle. Client suffered a sternal fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was T-boned by a vehicle exiting a residential driveway. Client sustained multiple facial fractures and a broken back, and required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended while stationary at a stop light. Client required multiple epidural and steroid injections into his back.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. ScooterClient crashed his scooter when a motorist made an abrupt turn and cut him off. Client broke multiple ribs and a leg, and sustained an orbital fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was T-boned by a driver who ran a red light, and suffered traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleMotorcyclist client crashed into the rear end of a vehicle after being abruptly cut off. Client suffered a broken right femur and required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Pedestrian (Minor)A 17-year-old client was run over by a vehicle while in the crosswalk. Client suffered broken pelvis and sacral fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient sustained a traumatic brain injury when a vehicle lost control and crashed into her.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was run over by vehicle while in a crosswalk, and suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was hit by a vehicle making a right turn, and suffered a broken leg.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Pedestrian (Minor)A 9-year-old client was run over while in a crosswalk, and suffered two broken legs and multiple facial scars.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended and forced into a stationary vehicle. Client suffered a broken femur.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Minor)A 9-year-old client was a passenger of a vehicle that was rear-ended on the freeway. Client suffered a broken knee.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was run over by a truck, and required surgery on his pelvis.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (DUI)Client was rear-ended by a drunk driver. Client required multiple steroid injections in his spine.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. JaywalkerClient was jaywalking when he was hit by a motor vehicle. Client suffered a traumatic brain injury and multiple facial lacerations.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. BicycleClient was hit by a vehicle while biking across a crosswalk, and suffered a broken leg.
Settlement Amount:
Animal AttackClient was bitten on the nose by their neighbor’s dog.
Auto Accidents -
Settlement Amount:
$45 Million
Auto v. AutoClient suffered a traumatic brain injury after a vehicle smashed into the back of her vehicle that was parked on the side of a highway. Insurance failed to timely pay the $250,000 policy limit.
Jury Verdict Amount:
$19 Million
Auto v. AutoClient’s vehicle was rear-ended on the 10 Freeway, causing severe brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
$7.6 Million
Motorcycle v. TruckThe defendant, a City of Riverside trash truck, made a left turn in front of the client, causing serious orthopedic injuries that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
$7 Million
Auto v. TruckClient’s vehicle rear-ended a truck parked on the side of the road with no reflectors. Client suffered severe brain injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$6 Million
Auto v. AutoMotor vehicle accident case and bad faith insurance company practices – the defendant’s insurance carrier failed to timely offer the policy limits.
Settlement Amount:
$6 Million
Auto v. BusThree people were severely injured in a bus accident.
Settlement Amount:
$4.25 Million
Auto v. MotorcycleClient was struck by a taxi that made a left turn in front of client’s motorcycle and caused fatal injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$2 Million
Auto v. TrailerMotor vehicle accident case where the client, a passenger, suffered traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Motorcycle v. MotorcycleMotorcyclist hit another motorcyclist causing hip and back injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Auto v. MotorcycleCommercial driver made an illegal lane change and crashed into client’s motorcycle. Client suffered a broken leg that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Auto v. Pedestrian Semi-truck ran through a stop sign and ran over the client whom suffered two broken legs.
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Auto v. MotorcycleMotor vehicle rear-ended a motorcyclist who sustained hip and head injuries.
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Auto v. AutoUninsured motorist hit client’s vehicle head on, causing serious neck injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleMotorcycle was struck by a vehicle causing injury to the rider’s lower back.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoDriver ran a stop sign and hit the client who suffered lumbar spine fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient sustained multiple fractures after being involved in an Auto v. Motorcycle incident. Client required left knee, tibia and shoulder surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoDefendant made a left turn in front of the client, which caused shoulder and hand injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Single Vehicle AccidentFacial injury suffered in single-vehicle accident.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. TruckCar struck by tractor trailer, which caused facial injuries and post-traumatic stress syndrome to client.
Settlement Amount:
Single Vehicle AccidentWhile on the highway, client’s car hydroplaned and crashed into the median. Client sustained nerve damage that required spine surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client was hit by a commercial driver making an illegal U-turn. Client sustained broken arm that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoMotor vehicle accident in which client suffered back injuries as passenger.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleAuto made a left turn in front of the client on a motorcycle, causing orthopedic injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoMotor vehicle accident case where the client suffered injuries to his elbow.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client sustained serious back injuries after rear–end collision. Client required back surgery. (EPI)
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient sustained broken vertebrae in rear-end collision.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client collided with a commercial driver who was making an illegal U-turn. Client sustained a broken femur and ankle.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client sustained serious neck and back injuries as a result of being rear-ended by commercial driver. Client required surgery. (EPI)
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Minor)The client, a minor, was a passenger of the vehicle that was at-fault for the accident and sustained serious injuries that required a spinal fusion.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient sustained serious back injuries as a result of a rear–end collision. Client required surgery. (EPI)
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient lost control of his motorcycle after a vehicle clipped his back tire. Client suffered a broken ankle that required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was involved in a head-on collision when another vehicle attempted a left turn. Client required surgery on right shoulder, and right and left hips.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient broke his hand after he was rear-ended by another vehicle. Client required hand surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was involved in a three-vehicle accident, started by a driver who ran a red light. The 58-year-old client required back surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleA vehicle changed lanes and crashed into motorcyclist client on 134 Freeway. Client suffered a broken shoulder and wrist.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended and forced into a stationary vehicle. Client suffered a broken femur.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was involved in a head-on collision when another vehicle attempted a left turn. Client suffered a spinal contusion.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended while stopped in traffic on the highway. Client required multiple steroid injections in her back.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoAnother driver crossed over the median and crashed head on into the client’s vehicle. Client suffered a sternal fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was T-boned by a vehicle exiting a residential driveway. Client sustained multiple facial fractures and a broken back, and required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended while stationary at a stop light. Client required multiple epidural and steroid injections into his back.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was T-boned by a driver who ran a red light, and suffered traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleMotorcyclist client crashed into the rear end of a vehicle after being abruptly cut off. Client suffered a broken right femur and required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient sustained a traumatic brain injury when a vehicle lost control and crashed into her.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient was rear-ended and forced into a stationary vehicle. Client suffered a broken femur.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Minor)A 9-year-old client was a passenger of a vehicle that was rear-ended on the freeway. Client suffered a broken knee.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (DUI)Client was rear-ended by a drunk driver. Client required multiple steroid injections in his spine.
Settlement Amount:
$42.75 Million
CommercialUhaul failed to properly maintain and repair vehicle causing traumatic brain injury
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced pain in their right arm and shoulder after being rear ended at a light.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient suffered a neck injury after the other party made an unsafe turn in front of the client.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced lower back pain after two cars veered to avoid hitting each other, causing the client to be rear ended.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced bodily pain and injuries to the neck and back due to an accident in which the other party turned left directly into the client.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced headaches, back pain, and foot pain as a result of an accident in which two vehicles were racing and collided with the client from behind.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced neck pain, pain in the left shoulder, and headaches as a result of a rear-end car accident.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced knee pain and a small laceration on the right side of the head after the other party reversed into the client’s vehicle.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. AutoClient experienced neck and left shoulder pain due to a rear-end car accident.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (DUI)Client experienced stitches on the right thumb, neck pain, and lower back pain due to a T-bone accident in which the other party was under the influence (DUI).
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Auto (Commercial)Client experienced lower back and neck pain, pain in both knees, and headaches due to a rear-end collision with a semi-truck.
Settlement Amount:
$1.225 Million
Single Vehicle AccidentFatal accident in which the client lost control and crashed into a guardrail.
See more Auto Accidents case results
Motorcycle Accidents +
Settlement Amount:
$27 Million
Auto v MotorcycleMy team represented an injured motorcyclist and won well over the $50k insurance policy limit.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. MotorcycleClient suffered fractured ribs after the other party failed to yield the right of way to the client on the motorcycle.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents +
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian AccidentPedestrian was struck by motor vehicle, and insurance company failed to timely pay $100,000 policy limits.
Settlement Amount:
Bicycle AccidentClient suffered neck injuries requiring neck surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian AccidentPedestrian was hit in the crosswalk by an undercover police officer.
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian Accident (Commercial)Tow truck hit client while in a cross-walk, and client sustained a broken leg and ankle, which both required surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Bicycle AccidentWhile biking across a crosswalk, client was hit by a motor vehicle. Client suffered broken a spinal fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Pedestrian Accident (Minor)A 10-year-old client ran into traffic and got hit by a school bus. Client suffered horrendous scaring on her legs that required multiple surgeries.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient sustained a serious knee injury after being struck by a car in a crosswalk, and required knee surgery.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was hit by a vehicle making a left turn while in a crosswalk, and sustained a mild traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was hit by a vehicle making a left turn while in a crosswalk, and sustained a mild traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. ScooterClient crashed his scooter when a motorist made an abrupt turn and cut him off. Client broke multiple ribs and a leg, and sustained an orbital fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Pedestrian (Minor)A 17-year-old client was run over by a vehicle while in the crosswalk. Client suffered broken pelvis and sacral fracture.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was run over by vehicle while in a crosswalk, and suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was hit by a vehicle making a right turn, and suffered a broken leg.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. Pedestrian (Minor)A 9-year-old client was run over while in a crosswalk, and suffered two broken legs and multiple facial scars.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. PedestrianClient was run over by a truck, and required surgery on his pelvis.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. JaywalkerClient was jaywalking when he was hit by a motor vehicle. Client suffered a traumatic brain injury and multiple facial lacerations.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. BicycleClient was hit by a vehicle while biking across a crosswalk, and suffered a broken leg.
Settlement Amount:
$2.52 Million
Auto v. BicycleClient riding a bicycle swerved across the street running into the other parties’ Dodge Durango.
See more Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents case results
Product Liability/Auto Rollover +
Settlement Amount:
$3.3 Million
Product Liability/Auto RolloverClient’s vehicle rolled over due to a faulty tire and design of the car. Client suffered brain Injury. (Confidential Settlement)
Settlement Amount:
$1.3 Million
Auto Roll OverFatality case against City of Chino involving dangerous public condition.
Settlement Amount:
Product LiabilitySuit filed against auto manufacturer related to injuries suffered in an auto accident.
Settlement Amount:
Product LiabilitySingle vehicle rollover roof crush caused fatal injuries to client.
Animal Attacks +
Settlement Amount:
Animal AttackClient was bitten on the nose by their neighbor’s dog.
Rideshare Accidents +
Settlement Amount:
$3.25 Million
Auto v. PedestrianPedestrian was struck in a crosswalk on New Year’s Eve by a ride share driver, and suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Slip and Fall Premises Liability +
Settlement Amount:
$4.75 Million
Public Entity ClaimCase against State of California for dangerous public condition.
Settlement Amount:
Premises LiabilityClient suffered a hand crush injury involving a forklift.
Settlement Amount:
Premises LiabilityOvergrown bushes blocked the sidewalk, forcing client to step onto the street where he was hit by a vehicle. Settled with property owner and driver.
Settlement Amount:
Slip & FallClient suffered head injuries cause by slip-and-fall at a restaurant.
Settlement Amount:
Premise LiabilityClient sustained serious back injuries after falling through a faulty stair on the second story of a building.
Settlement Amount:
Slip & FallElderly client slipped and fell while on a commercial property (Right Aid). Client suffered broken hip that required surgery.
Wrongful Death +
Settlement Amount:
$4.75 Million
Wrongful Death / Auto v. Auto (DUI)Client was killed in an auto accident caused by a speeding drunk driver.
Violent Personal Injury Accidents +
Settlement Amount:
$1.25 Million
Police BrutalityPolice brutality case where client suffered two broken legs.
Settlement Amount:
Public Entity ClaimCounty of San Bernardino failed to post clear signs warning that a bridge had been washed out, causing clients to crash into the river bank and suffer orthopedic injuries.
Settlement Amount:
Auto v. HomeClient was the passenger of a vehicle that crashed into a house. Client sustained serious back injuries.
Settlement Amount:
School Violence/ BullyingClient sustained a concussion and shoulder injury as a result of school bullying, which school was aware of and failed to prevent.